Wednesday 21 January 2009

Oddly jubilant

I'm in a rather good mood right now, sorry to all those reading this who happen to be in a crap mood, maybe you could eat ice cream or play tiddlywinks...?

As I'm writing this, the two hour Lost season 5 premier is being shown...To Americans. I'm not that bothered, I'd prefer to watch it on a weekend anyway. Just means I have to shield myself from Lost sites, I will get so angry if I learn ANYTHING however small.
So anyway, why am I so happy? Well...Science exam is over, which is a bit of a relief, means I have more time to conquer nations on Imperial Glory (great game!!) and eat biscuits. Found out I did rather well in the Maths retake, so all is okie dokie on the working front.

There's E, who is just fantastically great, hmmmmm...Oh and S's party is coming up shortly, should be fun, he has promised me balloons anyway... My book is going rather well, now most certainly half way through.
Anyways, time for me to go, hoorah for happiness,


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