Friday 23 January 2009

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me,

In another good mood, decided Drama isn't so bad, I've been told I should be doing it at A level anyway. And today we found a scene where I can wear my ex German military trench coat, all is well. Am I up to much this weekend?...No, am I ever doing anything...No...I really should stop being so suprised when I realise this every Friday. Moving on, this of couse is no ordinary weekend though, this is it, Lost is back, Sunday at 9, 2 hour premier. Never been this excited about something since the Stanford twenty20 game (refer to an entry I made around Novemberish time), admitedlly that game was a huge let down, I hope this won't be, I'm really badly hyped. I wonder if Claire will return, I hope she does, she is one of the few females characters who is quite cool and I really hope Kate gives back Clarie's baby, I HATE YOU KATE!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah...need to stop thinking about Lost. In other news, I invaded Finland succesfuly on Imperial Glory..err...Oh, Brisingr, the book I'm reading had a very cool Doctor Who reference, the author stating in the acknowledgements he's a fan.
Running out of things to say,
P.S: The Fray based their new single around Lost!?!?!?!?!?!?

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