Friday 16 January 2009


I have crawled out of bed to the computer, I don't know quite why, I think I'm getting a bit bored of the TV. I'm ill, or at least I was being sick in the early hours of the morning, so I didn't go in today. Might sound like a good thing, but it really isn't, firstly I still feel really rough and secondly I actually wanted to go in today, my Drama people will be rather angry at me.
Daytime TV, good lord. I didn't have the energy to go downstairs and find a DVD, so I only have myself to blame, watched a Lost episode on Sky, half a Scrubs episode, ten minutes of Jeremy Kyle, some cricket highlights, flicked between Bargain Hunt, Dickinson's real deal and an episode of Friends. I've decided no more TV though, it's giving me a headache, so I'll start some revision...Which might also give me a headache, pah, might just sleep.
Hopefully I'll be better over the weekend, I need to be physically stable for Monday at the very least, Science exam and History trip.
Sorry for this rather depressing entry, but this has been my Friday.


P.S: Oh and I also watched part of a Glimore Girls episode...I nearly cried.

1 comment:

James said...

Hope you get better soon.